
Time Update: s

Duration: s

Pedigree / US / Fosterverse / Decentraland

Puppies in the metaverse looking for a real home!
We developed an action with this global brand connecting the users´ behavior in the metaverse to their behavior in real life.
How were these worlds linked?
Through feelings!

Pedigree spread a thousand dogs all over Decentraland. Then, if you found a foster dog looking for a real home in Decentraland, it stood for a real-life foster dog.
Afterwards, Pedigree contacted you and was in charge of delivering this puppy to your home.
Immediately, it disappeared from the metaverse.
From web 3.0 to life 2.0

Production 60 Days

Technique 3D

Year 2023



Client: Kollectiff
Agency: BBDO New York


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